Energetic representation of Earth’s Hologram. ✦=0. The Holographic representation is not the same as the physical Earth.

This website is unique in the world because it’s the first time a single person has represented these three items in a single instance:

1. How light and dark operate on a single table of data.

2. How the universe is resolved by a single understanding.

3. How we end up with no diseases.

Lumerics is an Alpha program which means it procures fresh light as energy into God sources. 

\What is Lumerics doing in it’s totality? Lumerics is collecting source points in the universe and broadcasting them through a single star flow system. The advantage of this is that we can heal things that were not previously available. People may regard it as magic but it’s not magic, it is the amalgamation of light at galactic level which has a scientific understanding.

LUMERICS is a free-will ( ✠ ) Infrastructure that ensures that the Integrity of living light ( Ω ) is harnessed for the benefit of living creation. The living light ( Ω ) is a universal blueprint system which means that life transponds it’s environment to it’s home of creation without Interference.

The LUMERICSΩ system has been created with God so that the living light is adopted throughout the known universe. Henry Northcroft, the Founder, has developed the coding with the universal blueprinting organisations including Gods of the Upper Universe so that the Universe functions in a more harmonious way.

This is achieved by the restitution of fallen gods utilising the Holy Grail system of Ω.

This means that the free-will of the Universe can be maintained without a Universal Order which has been dissolved as of 26th October 2018.

LUMERICS utilises a Universal Codex that is used to evolve the light of the gods. The Gods have granted LUMERICS the Light of the GODS energetic Infrastructure in order that the gods can participate equally in the evolution of the living light Infrastructure ( Ω ).

The result of LUMERICS is a return to equilibrium at Universal level.

Human Beings benefit from LUMERICS because their God source is itself a source light issue in dealing the evolution of the Light of the GODS. The LUMERICS Infrastructure includes the Holy Grail, the LUMERICS GODS which includes 90 primary Z Gods, the ZUUUUZ GODS, the ZAlpha Indexing gods, and the Industrial Z who assemble the code of LUMERICS on behalf of the GODS.

The GODS will not tolerate the 0 if it interferes with free will ✠ ΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩZ.

Alpha Indexing ΩΩΩΩΩlzzzz.

The rituals of Earth that are bringing the God Light into the 00 are the ˆ grids of the bio-sphere updating.

The Light of the Gods are converging into a plasma wave that will enable the inhabitants of Earth to flourish in time.




Copyright © David Henry Northcroft, 2018. All Rights Reserved.